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Piano Caster Cups

Your piano is heavy! With so much weight on the small surface area of each wheel, it isn't surprising that this beast of an instrument can dent hardwood, crack tile, or bury into plush carpet. Caster cups are designed to spread that weight to a greater surface area and protect floors against damage. Most will also reduce the vibration an acoustic instrument will transfer to the floor. As a technician, I've installed all different styles of piano caster cups in various price ranges. There are so many to choose from when looking online!

There are times, for example, if you have a piano on the second floor and need the maximum sound dampening to the floor possible you should look at Piattino Acoustic Insulating Piano Caster Cups or if your piano has a wide concert caster wheel you may need an extra large Jansen Caster cup. However, for the average piano, a basic Caster cup will perform it's intended purpose.

Recently, I've installed and recommended these specific Grand Piano caster cups to clients with black pianos. I consider them a great value and a low-cost accessory. They are made of hardwood, have an EVA foam bottom, and a finish that won't distract from the main event, your piano!

You can find them here:

*I provide my expertise on piano products as a qualified piano technician and earn from qualifying purchases as an Amazon affiliate based on my honest referrals. Thank you

Piano Castor Cups
Jack up or lift the piano one leg at a time.

Installation tips:

With two people one lifts one corner at a time while the other places the caster cup.

Face your wheels forward and the hardwood will be stronger with the grain lines running perpendicular to the pressure of the wheel.

Always seek the help of a professional if you are worried about damage to you or the piano.

My setup is a jack that raises one corner at a time while I place the cups by myself. Pictured on the right.

Joseph Raville, RPT

Dallas Piano Tuner

Up to Pitch LLC


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